Creating a space for broken hearts who have felt stuck or alone to realign themselves with Christ and their identity as they fall in love with Jesus.

Prayer Events

Soaking Prayer Days

Join us to soak in God’s presence, seek healing prayer and a word from the Lord, and worship Jesus. These monthly events are an opportunity for you to set aside time to seek the Lord individually, but not alone. Our team will happily pray for you when you come to pray, read your Bible, journal, soak, or worship. Text or contact us to attend the next event.

Prophetic Intercession

We come together to humble ourselves and seek the Lord and ask him to heal our land and the people living in it. We regularly gather to intercede for our city, state, nation, and Israel and pray as the Lord leads us to pray what’s on His heart. We pray for radical revival to spring forth and for hearts to (re)turn to the Lord and be healed.

Come pray with us on regular zoom calls or live prayer meetings. Text or contact us to join.

Starry Nights

We have a dream for believers to come together and encounter God’s presence, find healing, pray for revival, and worship the Lord under the starry sky He created. We envision pop-up outdoor gatherings centered around prayer and worship all over New Mexico, in the Missouri Ozarks, and beyond.

If our vision stirs your heart and you want to join us or support our ministry, please contact us. 

He turns a desert into pools of water, a parched land into springs of water.

Psalm 107:35

Retreat in the Wilderness

Encounter the Lord

Come for a healing immersion: 3 days of prayer, prophesy, worship, and quiet time in the secret place.

You will:

  • Retreat with the Lord in the wilderness, just like Jesus in Matthew 4. Come to the peaceful quiet of nature to listen for the sweet whisper of the Lord and rebuke any demons.
  • Return to your first love through intimacy with Jesus, by living a first commandment lifestyle and re-centering on John 13-17.
  • Return to the power of the cross, communion, and the blood of Jesus.
  • Remember God’s faithfulness and let your heart be renewed and re-inspired to go all-in.
  • Reconnect with your true self and your identity in Him: worthy, chosen, and loved. Encounter the Lord and redefine yourself as a son or daughter in Christ, no longer a servant, but a friend of Jesus. Receive words from him about how you are a valued member of his family; chosen to be part of his “pure and spotless bride” and confident in your spiritual authority.
  • Reconstruct truth and faith as you deconstruct lies and strongholds that have held you back.

We can build a custom retreat for you and we’d be happy to bring a team to you, wherever you are, and be with your family or community.