A people who go where He goes and stays where He stays… Where He leads, we will follow.

Our Story & Vision

Intro and Vision to our Ministry in New Mexico

About Pray in the Desert | Our Story (candid 25 min version)

Our Leaders

Alena Van Dyke|President

On Mother’s Day 2018, the Lord gave Alena a vision for a house of healing, prayer, and worship in New Mexico.  Since then, she has pondered God’s dream in her heart and lifted up his promises in prayer. After spending a season at IHOPKC to immerse herself in intercession and learn the logistical ins and outs of the prayer movement, she returned home to Albuquerque, confident that now is the time to gather believers to pray, heal, and worship Jesus in the beautiful New Mexico desert. 

In February of 2023, Lou Engle prayed and prophesied over Alena that now is the time for this God-dream she has carried, prayed for, and wept over, to come to birth. We believe in faith, that Lou’s words were true to the heart of the Father and he is moving things “for such a time as this.” 

As things continue to evolve, the Lord has been pointing us into two main focuses: hosting retreats for inner healing and encounters with the Holy Spirit and walking people into the knowledge and confidence of their true identity, as the warrior bride of Christ. 

Alena Van Dyke is a spiritual mentor, author, teacher, podcast hostess, and friend to wounded hearts. Spirit-led and prophetic, this modern Christian mystic believes everything is spiritual. Through writing, teaching, and having deep and meaningful conversations over coffee, Alena joins others on their journey to deconstruct religion and still seek the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength. She is a safe and welcoming companion for those walking through difficult seasons into a wholehearted life with Jesus. Learn more. 

Alena is the author of Return to Love: Restoring the Heart of Christianity, and the host of the Restoring Christianity podcast.

Dr. Paul Martinez |
Vice President

In 2021, the Lord started whispering to Paul and Stephanie about shifting their lives to operate in a new ministry direction. As they prayed and sought the Lord, they found their hearts deeply connected to New Mexico and its future. They also started to connect the dots and suspect this “new” God-dream was the same direction Alena had received years before. They picked a date on the calendar in October 2021 for their first prayer event and put out a fleece.

Stephanie prayed that if this was the same word God had given their long-time friend, Alena, that God would orchestrate her being present for the event, even though she lived in Kansas City at the time. In a whirlwind, the Lord not only brought Alena into town for the event but moved her back home to Albuquerque before the first scheduled Day of Prayer and Healing.

Paul and Stephanie Martinez have served the Lord wholeheartedly and have a rich history in ministry. Alongside their leadership with Pray in the Desert, they are using YouTube to teach and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Paul & Stephanie Martinez

Hearts Healed & Set on Fire

Since the very first Day of Prayer & Healing in October 2021, we have seen many people healed and delivered. We saw back pain, foot and leg pain, and emotional pain bow to the name of Jesus. We witnessed God give gifts of peace, purpose, and hope to those dealing with severe anxiety, depression, and broken relationships. 

If you want to see hearts, minds, bodies, and souls healed, we invite you to partner with us and sow into this house of miracles.